Saint Andrew Catholic Church and School

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Readings and Homilies for November 23-24, 2019 (English and Español)

On the weekend of November 23-24, 2019, we celebrated the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. The gospel reading focuses on the worldly rulers of Israel mocking Christ on the cross, and Jesus assuring the good thief that he will be with Him in Paradise. Fr. Mark's homily reminds us that while Jesus is the King of Creation, His life, passion and death can't tempt us to forget that and make ourselves His equal, refusing to submit to his will for us. His teachings often seem paradoxical, and His crucifixion seems contrary to His divinity, but as St. John Vianney says, "The eyes of the world see no further than this life ... The eyes of the Christian see deep into eternity."

Check out the readings and homilies in English and Spanish at the links below: