Saint Andrew Catholic Church and School

News and Events

Looking for the latest Area Catholic news, events and information for the Saint Andrew community, the Diocese, and beyond?

Saint Andrew Catholic Church Events: 

Saint Andrew School is once again doing the annual Catholic School Raffle Fundraiser with Catholic United Financial!  Every dollar raised supports Catholic education!  Our school goal is to raise $27,000!  Tickets are $10.00 a piece.  Every student is selling tickets and would be happy to assist you in buying some! We will continue to sell them before and after the upcoming weekend Masses. Thank you for your support of this annual fundraiser for our school!

QUILT BINGO - Sunday, February 23

Saint Andrew Quilters and Crafters will host their seventh annual Quilt Bingo. Doors open at 11:30 AM. Enter through Door C.  Bag lunches for $5 available at noon. Bingo starts at 1:00 PM. Twenty regular games. Bingo card prices: 1 card for $15, 2 cards for $20, 3 cards for $25. Two specialty games will be played at $3 per card. There will also be a quilt raffle at $5 per ticket and a craft sale. 

Diocesan News/Events:

Diocese of St. Cloud web site

Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope



Other Parish News/Events: 

Marriage Booster Retreat at Christ Our Light in Princeton

All married couples are invited to the Marriage Booster Retreat on February 22 (9:00 AM – 4:30 PM). This retreat gives marriages at any stage an interactive and enjoyable boost. Spend a Saturday away as a couple, indulging in laughter, listening to thought-provoking presentations, and group fun. Moreover, couples are empowered to have meaningful one-on-one conversations on topics such as communication, intimacy, conflict resolution, finances, parenting, emotional needs, and more. Cost is $75/couple and includes lunch. To register, pick up a registration form in the gathering space, at the parish office or use this registration link. Return the form and payment to the parish office by February 10.


Local Area News/Events:

Community Communication -  Energy Assistance Program from TriCap

The Energy Assistance Program: Serves both renters and homeowners. Benefit amounts are based on the household’s heating costs, household size, and income.  The Energy Assistance program provides help with energy disconnections, no/low fuel in the tank, and homeowners’ furnace repairs.  Eligibility for the program is based on the household’s past 3 months of income and assets are not counted. Applications for the program and income guidelines are available at Tri-CAP’s website: or call Tri-CAP at (320) 251-1612 for an application to be mailed or for more information about the program.  < use this link to search for food drop locations, dates and times.

Reference Sources:

The Calendar connects you with upcoming opportunities for fellowship, fun, prayer and service.

The Bulletins section provides you with our weekly bulletin as soon as it is published, plus past bulletins and contact information for our local advertisers.

The News feed keeps you informed with Church happenings across the Diocese of St. Cloud and around the world.

Diocese of St. Cloud web site

If you have ideas, stories or events you think we should share with the Saint Andrew parish community, please contact Julie Gerads at or 763-441-1483 x301.