9 Days for Life Starts Thursday, January 16! Learn more and sign up for the daily email here: 9 Days for Life | Respect Life
9 Days for Life is the U.S. Catholic Bishops' annual novena surrounding the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.
Please invite your family and friends to join you and thousands of Catholics in prayer for the protection of human life.
Sign up for the general email for Respect Life Prayers and Action here: Respect Life Prayer and Action | Respect Life
In response to the Gospel of Life, it is our mission to foster in our parish community the value of life at every stage. We commit ourselves to prayer, education, and action in defense of life; sharing our growing knowledge with all who are listening.
Yvonne Lyrenmann
First Monday of even numbered months; Rosary at 6:30 PM; Meeting at 7:00 PM
- Saturday morning Rosary for Life, 10:00 AM in the Chapel
- March for Life - bus to the Cathedral of Saint Paul and Capitol in January
- Good Friday Vigil for Life at St. Paul Planned Parenthood
- Cross Display remembering babies killed by abortion
- Embrace Grace - supportive letters written to young women facing an unexpected pregnancy
- Elevier Women's Center - provide financial support and clothing for mothers and their children
- Spiritual Adoption - parish members spiritually adopted a baby whose mother was experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, named the baby, and prayed for the mother and her unborn baby for the nine months of the pregnancy. We held a baby shower at the end of the nine months and gave the donated items to Elevier.
- Mother's Day and Father's Day - hospitality and recognition gifts to thank parents for the gift of life
- Diocese of St. Cloud: http://stcdio.org/marriage-and-family
- ProLife Across America: www.prolifeacrossamerica.com/links.htm
- Find a pro-life doctor or information about Natural Family Planning, fertility challenges, or sterilization reversal: www.onemoresoul.com, www.creightonmodel.com, and www.ccli.org
- Overpopulation Myth-Answers from the Population Research Institute: http://overpopulationisamyth.com/
- A Hearty Bread Recipe for fasting on Bread and Water: http://www.40daysforlife.com/southfield/documents/FastingBread-SrEmmanuel.pdf
- Grief to Grace: Healing the Wounds of Abuse: www.grieftograce.org or 610-203-2022.
Prayer for Healing the Wounds of Abuse: Physical, Emotional, Sexual
Heavenly Father, Help me to call for help. I renounce the lies that keep these wounds hidden but keep me from healing and from living the abundant life you promised. I renounce Satan, who speaks lies that shame me and keep me from seeking healing and forgiveness. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
- Local resource for pregnancy help: Elevier Women’s Center, 19022 Freeport St. NW, Elk River, MN; www.elevier.org
- Crisis Pregnancy Help and Adoption information: http://prolifeacrossamerica.org and www.holyfamilyadoption.org
- Serious Prenatal Diagnosis: www.mychildmygift.com and www.morninglightministry.org/hopeinturmoil.html
- Death of your baby through ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death up to one year: www.morninglightministry.org and http://epiphanycaringforlife.org/ (Angel Wings Ministry at Epiphany Church in Coon Rapids, MN)
- Fertility challenges: www.morninglightministry.org/fertilitychallenges.html
- Support and encouragement for carrying to term with an adverse prenatal diagnosis and support for raising your child with special needs after birth: www.prenatalpartnersforlife.org.
- Abortion prayer and fasting campaign - 40 Days for Life: www.40daysforlife.com and www.plam.org
- Abortion clinic sidewalk counseling: www.plam.org
- Abortion healing for men and women - Silent No More and Rachel's Vineyard Retreats: www.silentnomoremn.org
- Post-Abortion Help: http://afterabortion.org/
- National Helpline for Abortion Recovery: www.nationalhelpline.org or 1-866-482-LIFE (5433)
- Rachel's Vineyard (Post-Abortion Help): www.rachelsvineyard.org or 1-877-HOPE4ME (467-3463).
o You will not be judged, you will be loved.
o If you are suffering, there is hope, help, and healing. The only thing standing between you and an abundant life are lies, keeping it in the dark.
o Prayer for Post-Abortion Trauma:
Heavenly Father, Give me the strength to call for help. I renounce the lies that keep me in shame, denial, and self-abuse. I want the abundant life you promised. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
o Symptoms of Post-Abortion Trauma:
Bouts of crying
Inability to forgive yourself
Intense grief/sadness
Emotional numbness
Sexual problems or promiscuity
Eating disorders
Lowered self esteem
Drug and alcohol abuse
Nightmares and sleep disturbances
Suicidal urges
Difficulty with relationships
Anxiety and panic attacks
Multiple abortions
Pattern of repeat crisis pregnancy
Discomfort around babies or pregnant women
Fear/ambivalence of pregnancy
Same-sex sexual relationships
Body piercing/tattooing
Defending/asserting the right of abortion
Central MN Suicide Prevention Coalition
Research shows that 1 in 4 individuals in your faith community are dealing with symptoms related to a treatable mental health condition right now. We pray for physical conditions, and we encourage you to do the same when it is a mental health condition.
Suicide does not discriminate. Without regard for race, ethnicity or gender, it can strike the lives of the rich and famous, the down and out, and everyone in between. Research has shown that for every 100 people in your faith community, several will seriously consider suicide in any given year. By promoting the messages of Faith, Hope, Life you can help these individuals resolve those thoughts in a positive and healthy way – and possibly save lives.
There is a reason for each of us to be here–alive–the young and the old, the sick and the healthy. Our community of faith should be a place where we protect and comfort each other when faced with the issue of suicide. This weekend, and all throughout the year, we celebrate reasons to live. Let’s be honest, life can sometimes feel overwhelming and challenging. Sometimes events can leave us feeling worthless, abandoned, or isolated. Our faith community seeks to be a caring community that focuses on the hope that, in God’s time, life’s challenges can be overcome, and bad feelings will subside. Through connections within our own community, we can find the strength to live out each day as God gives it. If that living ever becomes unbearable for any one of us, we should know how to access support and services, including the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline which can be reached at 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) and provides free, confidential support available 24/7, anywhere in the U.S. or www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org.
Faith, Hope, Life is a reminder that God loves you and knows your struggles. Even when you walk through the valley of the shadows and feel that you don’t have the strength to face another day, God is with you. God can give you help through friends, loved ones, co-workers, members of your faith community, your faith leader, and other professionals, such as counselors, therapists, and doctors. They can be God's heart and God's listening ear when you feel most troubled and alone.
If you know someone (including yourself) who needs help with the difficult challenges of life, has lost hope or withdrawn from others, feels trapped like there is no way out, or has no will to go on, reach out. Let others help. It could make all the difference. Where there is help there is hope.
Did You Know?
From USCCB, you can sign up to receive monthly prayer intentions and information related to the Dobbs case at PrayforDobbs.com.
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