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Liturgical Ministries
Are you interested in supporting our worship of God in the Mass and the sacraments as an altar server, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion (eucharistic minister), greeter, lector (reader), sacristan or usher? Many share their gifts and serve our community in our liturgical ministries, in keeping with the command of Jesus: “Do this in memory of me" (Luke 22:19). For more information contact Director of Liturgy and Music Diane Pederson at 763-441-1483 x311.
Music Ministries
Music is a vital part of our liturgy, and we are always looking for singers, musicians, and sound technicians to help us worship the Lord in song. Our choral groups include the parish choir, which is open to all singers and instrumental musicians older than high-school age, men's and women's choirs, a youth choir for sixth- through 12th-graders, and a children's choir for second- through fifth-graders. We also have a funeral choir, which is available to sing at parish funerals and is open to anyone willing to be on call to rehearse and sing, usually in the afternoon, on relatively short notice. Finally, our sound technicians are trained adults with computer aptitude who set up, balance and monitor the sound system during Mass. For more information contact Director of Liturgy and Music Diane Pederson at 763-441-1483 x311.