Saint Andrew Catholic Church and School

Saint Andrew Catholic Church

Mass & Events

Weekend Masses

Saturday: 5:00 PM Mass [Livestream

Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and Mass in Spanish at 1:30 PM

View Previously Recorded Masses 

Weekday Masses

02/03, Monday: No Services
02/04, Tuesday: 6:00 PM Mass
02/05, Wednesday: 10:00 AM Mass
02/06, Thursday: 8:00 AM Mass
02/07, Friday: 6:00 PM First Friday Mass

02/10, Monday: No Services
02/11, Tuesday: 6:00 PM Mass
02/12, Wednesday: 10:00 AM Mass
02/13, Thursday: 8:00 AM Mass
02/14, Friday: 10:30 AM Mass at Guardian Angels


02/08, Saturday: Rose Enghusen Funeral at 10:30 AM [Livestream], with visitation one hour prior to the funeral at the church. Visitation Friday, February 7 from 4:00-7:00 PM at the Washburn McReavy Glen Haven Chapel in Crystal [Memorial Page].

02/18, Tuesday: Tom Jenior Funeral at 10:30 AM [Livestream] with visitation one hour prior to the funeral [Memorial Page].

Parish - Announcements and links

Reconciliation (Confession) 

  • Saturday 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM (Church reconciliation room)
  • After First Friday and First Saturday Masses
  • After the Tuesday evening Mass

Parish Office Hours:

8:00 AM – 3:30 PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM Thursday (The office opens at 8:30 AM so that staff may attend 8:00 AM Mass.)

The parish office will be closed Monday, February 17.

Office phone: (763) 441-1483

Address: 566 4th Street NW, Elk River, MN 55330

Secure Online Giving

Faith & Life

Parish Mission Statement
We, as a Catholic faith community, cast wide our net in welcoming all people as Christ. In a spirit of generosity, we utilize our time, talent and treasure to educate and serve one another.
Parish Vision
Building the kingdom of God here and now through the witness of a lived faith.
Prayer for Saint Andrew's Intercession
Saint Andrew, patron saint of our parish, intercede for us so that we, like you, will respond to the call of Jesus to be His disciple.
Help us to be Christ-like as Kingdom Builders, casting our nets in faith and bringing the Gospel message to others. Amen.

Employment Opportunities
