Saint Andrew Catholic Church and School

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Witnessing a Lived Faith: What Does It Mean?

One of the most prominent features on the new homepage, just above the weekend and Holy Day Mass times, is our welcome message:

Welcome to Saint Andrew

Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now

Through the Witnessing of a Lived Faith

Perhaps you have heard Fr. Mark use these or similar words to describe his vision for our parish community. The new site features a brief explanation, developed from Father’s own reflections, on what this vision means for Saint Andrew parishioners and visitors to our parish.

Check it out by clicking on Witnessing a Lived Faith here, or on either of the two links on the parish homepage. You’ll also find articles and resources to deepen your understanding of what it means to be a living witness, or in the words of Pope Francis, a missionary disciple.


  • John Stewart

    Witnessing a Lived Faith. I wanted to comment on this. Yes when I heard these words for the first time, it really spoke to me. I am so thankful that Fr. Mark has pointed us towards this mission of being witnesses to the Truth. It is important that we are living out what we profess at every mass. For myself even as a convert to the faith it took me a long time to realize what Gods plan was for me as a Catholic. It took the love and concern of a fellow parishioner who lives out his faith to have the courage to invite me to really know Gods loving goodness. Once that door is open we are forever changed. We all called as Catholics is to help point our brothers and sisters to the Truth. We can be successful witnesses to the faith though the way we live it out. Our prayers are the most powerful tool that we have as Christians. We can and should pray for the renewal of faith in our parish as well as the parishes of the Diocese of St. Cloud. All we need to do is to show our brothers and sisters to the door of the Church. God will take care of the rest.

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